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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 15, 2012


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Just for Fun

Build your Following with a Tickle of the Funny Bone

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 15, 2012

Build your Following with a Tickle of the Funny Bone


build your followingGiven the importance of social media to businesses these days, it seems everyone is doing everything to try and increase their following and add value to their profiles. Whether it's utilizing software to follow and unfollow relevant prospects (this often times sounds like someone in the office is engaged in a serious game of Minesweeper), or simply by trying to increase the content output, company's are seeing the value in a social media following.

However, clicking until carpal tunnel syndrome isn't the only effective way of building a following. You'd be surprised how far a tickle of the funny bone goes with your prospects. Make them laugh, and they'll make you cash. (Well....perhaps. I just really felt a corny catch-phrase was needed right there.)

How are you engaging your followers on social media? If you're simply answering questions and featuring offers and blog posts on your timeline (both of which are great practices!), you may eventually bore your followers. However, when introducing a little humor into the equation with your already optimized content, now you've got something that can build a following.

Building your Following with Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine? It very well may be.

However, it's also the best way to attract followers and also keep and engage the ones you already have. There's also tons of opportunities out there for getting a laugh out of your following, as cover photos, and especially "memes" offer a perfect way to feature consistently humorous content on your timeline.


These are insanely popular right now, as they offer a quick way to get a laugh and go viral. Memes are photos that contain a humorous tagline or quote related to the image. They range from babies to cartoon to movie still images and everything in between.

Building your Following with a Tickle of the Funny Bone

Check out this meme we created here at IMPACT last month featuring Doc Brown from the beloved Back to the Future trilogy. By referencing a line from the movie, we effectively related it to the evolution of marketing in a (hopefully) entertaining way. Memes have a tendency to go viral as a result of receiving a large number of shares, so the more creative and funny your meme is, the more likely it is to go viral, giving you large scale brand recognition.

Cover Photo

With the new Facebook timeline, the cover photo offers prime real estate to feature a little personality and humor from your company. This makes you seem more human to your following as well as an attractive option for people who aren't following you yet.

Take a look at IMPACT's recent Facebook cover photo, featuring Christopher Walken from the famous SNL sketch, "More Cowbell." Notice the difference? Of course you do! He needs more sales-ready leads!

Building your Following with a Tickle of the Funny Bone

This is the sort of content that has a tendency to get shared and go viral, which has we said before, will go a long way toward increasing brand recognition which in turn will bring you more followers.

So get creative, have some fun and see what you can come up with that will both engage and entertain your potential following. You often hear how important is is to engage your social media following; however it doesn't always have to be with your content. Try using some humor to spice things up and keep the followers rolling in.

Build your Following!

Interested in learning more about using visual content to help build your following and increase brand recognition? Give us a call at IMPACT and learn how we can help!

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